Characters for Passwords
When defining a password, not all characters are allowed. Comply with the following list of permitted and illegal characters in specifying your passwords.
Note:When they are defined, passwords are depicted in clear text. Once they have been saved, every time they are entered they will be displayed encoded.
Characters Allowed
The following characters can be used to specify a password:
- the letters from a to z (lower case) and A to Z (upper case)
- the numerals 0 to 9
- spaces
- special characters:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Illegal Characters
The following characters can not be used to specify a password:
- the letter ß
- umlauts ä, ö, ü (lower-case) and Ä, Ö, Ü (upper-case)
- accents ´
The above list of permitted and illegal characters is valid only for assigning passwords. In assigning an individual FRITZ!Box name, only letters, numerals and hyphens are allowed.