Configuring a user account

System / FRITZ!Box Users / Users / User Account

In a FRITZ!Box user account you define for a certain FRITZ!Box user which contents of the FRITZ!Box the given user is allowed to access, and whether this access must take place from the home network or is also permitted from the Internet.

To save the entries for a user account, click "OK" at the bottom of the page.


Here is where you define the individual password for the FRITZ!Box user and the status of the user account.

User account enabled

A user access FRITZ!Box contents released for sharing with that user only if his user account is enabled.

If you remove the checkmark before this entry, the user account is disabled and the FRITZ!Box user can no longer use your FRITZ!Box.

Please note that you can neither delete nor disable the user account with which you are currently logged in to the FRITZ!Box user interface.

User Name

Enter the user name of the FRITZ!Box user in this field.

Information about which characters can be used in user names is presented on the Characters for Passwords page.

e-mail Address

Enter a valid e-mail address for the FRITZ!Box user in this field.

If needed, the user account can also be set up without entering an e-mail address.

We recommend entering an e-mail address so that the user has the choice of logging in to the FRITZ!Box using his e-mail address - which he is likely to know offhand - or his user name.


Enter the personal password for the FRITZ!Box user in this field.

Information about which characters can be used in passwords is presented on the Characters for Passwords page.

Access from the Internet

By checking this box you are allowing the user to use the contents of your FRITZ!Box released for sharing with him in the "Rights" section, not only from the home network, but also from the Internet.

For a user to reach the FRITZ!Box from the Internet, you must also expressly allow Internet access on the FRITZ!Box end. For instructions on how to configure this setting, see the Permit Access / FRITZ!Box Services page.


Here you define which areas and functions of your FRITZ!Box are released for sharing with the user. The more boxes you check, the more extensively the user can access the FRITZ!Box from the home network.

If you selected the "Access from the Internet" checkmark, the user also has these rights at his disposal when he accesses the FRITZ!Box from the Internet.

FRITZ!Box Settings

This right should only be granted to those users who are supposed to be able to view and edit all FRITZ!Box settings.

Note:Please note that a user currently logged in cannot revoke his right to configure the FRITZ!Box.

Voice messages, faxes, FRITZ!App Fon and call list

With this right the user can listen to voice messages and view the call list and received faxes. He can also use all FRITZ!App Fon functions.

Access to NAS contents

This right is required by any user who is to access storage media available on the FRITZ!Box:

If desired, you can specify here which directories the user with this right is allows to access, and whether his rights allow him only to read or to read and write. The directories released for sharing with this user account are listed in the table with the rights granted.

Here is how to share NAS contents with the user:

  1. Check the box in front of "access to NAS contents".
  2. Click the "Add Directory" button.
  3. Specify in the next window whether you would like to release all of the storage media on the FRITZ!Box for sharing with the user, or only a certain directory.
    The directory structure of the available storage media is shown so that you can make your selection. Click the plus sign to view the subdirectories contained in any given directory.
  4. Select the directory that is to be released for sharing and then click "OK". The selected directory is now displayed in the table.
    The preconfigured setting grants the user complete read and write rights. You can control the read and write rights individually by removing any checkmarks that should not apply to this user.
  5. To share additional directories with the user, click again on the "Add Directory" button and repeat steps 3 and 4.

Smart Home

This right is useful if you use smart plugs from AVM (known as FRITZ! actuators) in the home network of the FRITZ!Box for home automation and would like to control them using MyFRITZ!.

If the user has a mobile device with MyFRITZ! installed, which he uses to access the FRITZ!Box from on the go, by setting a checkmark in front of the "Smart Home" right you can grant him an additional MyFRITZ! function: Then the user can use MyFRITZ! for remote control of a FRITZ!DECT 200 registered with the FRITZ!Box.

Depending on the device you connect to the socket of the FRITZ!DECT 200, the user can switch a lamp or an aquarium pump on and off from anywhere in the world.


A user who would like to establish a secure VPN connection to the FRITZ!Box and your home network requires this right.

Click on the "Display VPN Settings" link to view information about how to set up a VPN for mobile devices.

The settings you need to establish a VPN connection from a computer to the FRITZ!Box are listed in the information on your VPN client.